Thursday, June 18, 2009

Biblical Origin of Music

Biblical Origin of Music:

When God founded the earth, while he was working, there was background music (Job 38:4-7 "While the morning stars sang in chorus and all the sons of God shouted for joy.") Music started with God through eternity. God loves music. He loves us to sing to Him.

As early as Genesis 4: 21 there was Jubal whose name means "sound". He is eighth in line from Adam and is said to be "the ancestor of all who play the lyre and the pipe."

In King David's time we see organized singers and musicians (Levites) ministered day and night in the tabernacle and later in the temple.(1Chr 9:33, 15:16,27, 16:4-6, 23:2-5,30-31, 2Chr5:12-14, 20:20-30)

Some insights:
~ Levites are the priest as well as musicians - household heads are encourage to buy a good sounding guitar, study and learn how to play. Playing the guitar is not an inborn talent but a skill that any one can learn. When you go on evangelization mission it is an advantage.
~ During King David's time there were no song books. Israelites have to memorize the songs. We are blessed, for today we have our own songbook.
~ King Jehoshaphat placed the singers and musicians at the head of the army when they went down against the attacking Ammonites, Moabites and inhabitants of Mount Seir, and they were victorious. Music ministry should see their important role in spiritual warfare. They are not just providing music during evangelization, but they are intercessors and prayer warriors.
Thus christian music has its deep roots from the Old Testament.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

17-years in ministry-my first blog.

Welcome to my first blog.

Ever since God called me personally in 1992 and did a drastic change in my life, I felt I am restless if I can not share His blessings that made the kind of life that He gave me and my family now - a renewed christian...from the ways of the world to the ways of the Lord.

Christian Music is just one instrument that attracted me so much in the renewal process and is just one of God's gift to me,my wife and one of my daughters and hence it becomes part and parcel of our way of life as we dwell in this transit life.

We'll be covering a lot of things in this web log.

God’s Love made flesh coming your way… in this Blog.

God Bless....


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